Quality,Speed &Cost,merging thee elements effectively into a single package is our over arching expertise.What we are is “Hungry”energetic and highly strategic driven.

FANGYULAN TEXTILE COMPANY has been established with a primary objective of providing aparel sourcing solution from China(mainly).

We at FANGYULAN are a small but efficient team of experienced professionals catering to the needs of our customers

FANGYULANis creating the sourcing and buying chains for the future,with mission to make life better for thepeople everywhere along our global operations. We offer end-to-end sourcing and trading solutions from product design/ development,raw material sourcing,factory selection,compliance,production management,quality control,in country logistis,global freight management and e-logistics.

FANGYULAN specializes in supply chain nanagement of high-volume,time- sensitive goods for leading retailers and brads in USA,Middle East,UK and Australia via network of offices and top of the line factory affiliations.

We would like to introduce ourselvesas “One Stop Shop”for your sourcing requirements from China.By providing desirable fashion clothing for men and women,quality service by professionally trained team members,outstanding value through our strong and direct logistic links with manufacturers, and finally convenience through our network of partners,our valued customers will always be at the heart of our business.Fashion +Quality + Value +


Our Story

Our Advantage

In-house pattern &sampling unit gives us an edge to convert buyer's techpack into actual samples in record time with the design specifications .The technical team ensures that"fits"are submitted and approved in first instance.Our efficient merchandising team manages our supplier matrix of fabrics and accessories

manufacturers from China,,Vietnam and Myanmar to ensure the supply chain is smooth and competitive to meet buyer's target prices.Our factory matrix comprises of state-of-the-art production facilities making varied range of products and our production team monitors the day-to-day activities to ensure "quality merchandise"is shipped "on time"

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E-mail: 449347846@QQ.COM

Tel: 13376838681